Style. It’s hard to express. In art or wall hangings, you like or you don’t. The Arrangement hangs western art with abstract art. Modern with traditional. It’s the blend that makes it interesting like music; with art, each room has a sound. Each piece interacts with the viewer and makes it an experience. Whether it is a depiction of the West or an artifact reinterpreted, your fireplace or bedroom wall should look just right.
Wall Art
Style. It’s hard to express. In art or wall hangings, you like or you don’t. The Arrangement hangs western art with abstract art. Modern with traditional. It’s the blend that makes it interesting like music; with art, each room has a sound. Each piece interacts with the viewer and makes it an experience. Whether it is a depiction of the West or an artifact reinterpreted, your fireplace or bedroom wall should look just right.